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Coronakritik: Forskningsformidling formentlig stadigvæk lovlig

I går blev jeg ringet op af en mand, der ligesom jeg har udgivet kritiske indlæg om coronasagen. Han fik mig overbevist om, at det nok stadigvæk er lovligt at formidle videnskabelig forskning, så længe man citerer forskerne ordret.

Her er noget af den coronarelaterede forskning, der bevidst eller ubevidst åbenbart bliver ignoreret af de toneangivende fagfolk, medier og politikere:

Reference #1: “Identification of the causative viral pathogens of respiratory tract viral infections is important to select an appropriate treatment, save people’s lives, stop the epidemics, and avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics.”

Reference #2: “We report co-infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and influenza A virus in a patient with pneumonia in China. The case highlights possible co-detection of known respiratory viruses. We noted low sensitivity of upper respiratory specimens for SARS-CoV-2, which could further complicate recognition of the full extent of disease.”

Reference #3: “The majority of patients had mild illness, which did not require clinical intervention.”

Reference #4: “Compared with H1N1, patients with COVID-19 induced ARDS had lower severity of illness scores at presentation and lower SOFA-score adjusted mortality.”

Reference #5: “This report demonstrates that SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause mild illness and result in positive tests for up to 18 days after diagnosis, without evidence of transmission to close contacts.”

Reference #6: “It seems likely that the increased prevalence of obesity in Italy older adults compared to China may account for the differences in mortality between the two countries.”

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